Waiting on an Asphalt Shingle Roof Estimate?

Experience a hassle-free way of obtaining your asphalt shingle roof replacement estimate. Just complete our brief online form, and in less than 10 minutes, you'll receive an accurate quote for your shingle replacement. No delays, no guessing games - simply quick and precise results to assist you in jumpstarting your roofing endeavor.

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Eager for More Insights on Asphalt Shingles?

Roofing Materials

At Universal Contracting & Solar, our catalog is enriched with versatile roofing materials tailored to your distinct needs. While you might lean towards asphalt shingles for their timeless appeal, we also offer resilient metal roofing and green selections like solar tiles. Dive deeper below to identify the quintessential roofing material for your estate.

Asphalt Roofing Installation Method

Laying down a new asphalt shingle roof demands precision and expertise. Trust our adept shingle installers, who stringently follow a systematic procedure to guarantee a smooth and lasting installation. Initiating with a detailed appraisal of your current roof, we discern its state and detect potential issues, ensuring your new shingles sit perfectly.

Asphalt Roofing Advancements and Energy Efficiency

Desiring to bolster the energy conservation of your residence or minimize its environmental influence? Engage with our specialists to explore roofing augmentations, especially with asphalt shingles, to heighten your domicile's energy efficiency.

Asphalt Roofing Care and Fixes

Ensuring the longevity and integrity of your asphalt shingle roof necessitates routine maintenance. Rely on our roofing maestros for all-encompassing care offerings. From pinpointing wear and tear to leak management, gutter upkeep, and optimal ventilation, we are your go-to shingle replacement company for all facets of roof care.

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*Roof replacements related to insurance claims do not qualify for discount.

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